Orchid Story

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Find something to hold in your hands.

Another tough week here in America. Even for those like me who have not been directly affected by a natural disaster or a horrific act of violence, these events touch us on a deep level. We are trying to grapple with the enormity of these occurrences and we are also trying to figure out how to work through our own personal hurricanes and forest fires. Those that rage behind closed doors in our homes or consume our minds. 

How to deal with it all? We need to figure out how to be present. We need to figure out how to slow down. We need to figure out how to serve our community. We need to figure out how to speak up. We need to figure out how to find joy. And on and on.

It's enough to make anyone want to hide in bed or head straight to the freezer for the Snicker's ice cream that's lying in wait. (Or the kids' Halloween bags - I know you are with me there.) I know what works - get outside for a walk, write in my journal, find things I am grateful for. But there are moments when I can't conjure the energy even for these things.

So, here's something I did that's helping in these moments of stuck-ness; when I feel the raincloud over my head and it just won't go away. I bought myself something that I knew would make me feel good. We could argue that spending money on material things is not a healthy way of dealing with feelings. But I'm not going to. I'm here today to say that it might boost your mood to purchase something for yourself for the sole purpose of your own enjoyment. I bought Bella Grace Magazine, pictured in my photo. The images and words within conjure a sense of peace and spaciousness everytime I pick it up. It will surely not solve all the problems of the world, but if it can get me out of shutdown mode, it is worth it. I encourage you to find something that does the same for you. Because we have work to do. xo