Orchid Story

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This old fridge door

You're still here, seven years later

Would've thought you'd be replaced by now

By one of those gleaming stainless steel guys

The one with the water dispenser I use with envy at my friend's

But here you are

Nondescript and how old I wonder?

You have stories of your own from back before my family invaded your space

And now you hold mine, proudly displayed on your chest

My cheering squad, my Reason

My belief that love remains, light remains always

Nieces and nephews, weddings and godchildren, sons and daughters

My promise to four beautiful souls - I will not forget you

I will carry your love, your goodness in my heart

This old fridge door is the shoelace tied around my finger

I will not forget you

I will not take this day, this moment for granted

But of course you see that I do

The hundreds of time you are opened and closed without a second glance

But I know you forgive me, you let it slide by 

Knowing I will come back around, when fear strikes deep

When I worry that another soul will be added

Because it will happen, because this is life

You remind me, there is always love