Orchid Story

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Book Club: The Orchid and the Dandelion Part 2

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Six Strategies to Help Your Orchid Child Bloom

From the book, “The Orchid and the Dandelion” by Dr. W. Thomas Boyce. I walk you through examples of each of these in my own life in raising my orchid child. Some of them have worked and some have not - but I give you ideas for what has worked in my parenting relationship.

  1. The menace of novelty and the comfort of the ordinary

  2. The love of a child

  3. Responsiveness to differences

  4. Grounding in forbearance and freedom

  5. The finely drawn line between predicting and provoking

  6. The potency of play

Resources for Parenting Orchid Children

“The Orchid and the Dandelion” by Dr. W. Thomas Boyce

Hand in Hand Parenting’s Special Time tool

My two other videos talking about “The Orchid and the Dandelion”

Part 1

Part 3

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