This is Orchid Story—
a place for women invested in changing their stories to change their lives.


Reach out with any questions or comments - I’d love to hear from you!

I’m here to help you find freedom in your story so that you can cultivate self-compassion and renewed purpose.

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 My Story

Sometimes big, life-changing events happen. They leave you feeling bruised and a lot less like the person you know you are in your soul. You divide your life into the before and after. You wonder how to make sense of it and how to move on as a new version of yourself. At 18 weeks pregnant with my second child, I was thrust unwillingly into the dizzying world of pediatric cardiology. I was faced with enormous life or death decisions about the tiny being inside of me, his heart the size of a grape.

Crafting and sharing that story of survival (listen to it here!) planted the seed for what has become my creative business, Orchid Story.

Trained as a genetic counselor, I look for places in the world where science, writing, and healing meet together in a pretty Venn diagram.

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Want to work with me?

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