You deserve emotional healing to transform your life.
Let me help you get there.
Sanctuary VIP Coaching
This 1:1 work leads to increased resilience, improved emotional well-being, and long term positive shifts in mood. You’ll transform from being stuck in a negative story to finding purpose in life and accepting yourself as you are.
Three months of 1:1 coaching (nine total sessions)
Printed Sanctuary workbook (like, in your mailbox!)
Recordings from each session
A newfound sense of inner calm and freedom
Need more details? Go here.
Rachel’s warmth and authenticity, as well as her ability to witness and “hold” pain, was at once comforting, validating, and inspiring.
Group Sanctuary
Story + Community = Healing
An eight week online group experience for women to reframe your story of struggle so that you can find healing within.
Weekly online get-togethers with a small group of women, to be seen, heard, and understood.
Weekly encouragement, guided journaling/prompts and homework
Shifting your perspective to uncover more peace and presence
Need more details? Go here.
Sanctuary was truly safe, unique and symbiotic healing space where you give and receive among women who are all on the same path.
Classes & Workshops
Join me to get your creative juices flowing and connect with like-minded people in your community. I offer everything from one-time workshops to my signature eight-week program; online or in person. Reach out if you are interested in partnering.
Rachel is incredibly talented, smart, and sweet! I loved how quickly she was able to help our group relax and focus.
You have struggled and endured. It's time to move forward, to write a new ending to your story. Let’s use my proven Sanctuary framework to get you there.