Co-author: Mom (and family)
Taken in 2014. The first thing people say when they see us together is how much we look alike.
Happy Mother's Day!
For my final celebration of co-authors in mothering I am honoring the best mom on earth - my own. And the rest of my kick ass nuclear family that has steadfastly supported me these past nine years. It takes a village and I know how lucky I've been that my family is mine.
I write about how my relationship with my mom has changed due to her diagnosis. Before our family was hit with her condition she was the rock in my life. I think I called her almost every day during the first four years of my daughter's life. Those were not pleasant calls. I was either crying hysterically or screaming in frustration. She was my container for all the ugliness inside of me that I didn't know how to process at the time. I think back now on how hard and draining that must have been. She never wavered in her faith that I could figure out how to be the mom I needed to be for Carly. We have always been close and she has taught me so much throughout my entire life, but I think those early years of mothering may have been when I needed her the most. She never failed to show up and love me unconditionally.
The rest of my family roll call:)
Curt - the shore I rest upon after battling the raging seas. The voice of reason and sensitivity. The man who believes in me and always sees what is good in this world.
Danielle - my advisor on all things mental health. My confidante and best friend. Everything I could ask for in a sister. You get me.
Julie - the person who understands my daughter best. Everyone needs their "person" who will always accept you for who you are - thank you for being Carly's person.
Lydia - the caregiver above all caregivers. She lives by love and love alone.
Joe - a breath of fresh air. Always up for a game with the kids especially when the moms really need a break. Our kids are happier because of you.
Marc - the man I thank God for every day that you came into our lives. My little joke that is not really a joke at all.
Dad and Cliff - the patriarchs of our family whose love still guides us even though you aren't here to be the grandfathers we know you so badly wanted to be. We love you and miss your big personalities.