Not back to regularly scheduled programming...

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Today on my walk I was listening to two of my fave podcasters/female entrepreneurs, Amy Porterfield and Rachel Hollis. You should seriously listen to this episode on Dais. How amazing is it that we can gain wisdom from these women who build hugely profitable businesses online?! 

Rachel said, "...step outside of regularly scheduled programming" and I stopped in my tracks on the sidewalk, opened my iphone notes and typed it in. 

There are so many reasons NOT to go outside of what's typical for our days and schedules. Kids, work commitments, and dinner on the table to name a few. Yet, almost every time I choose to get myself out into the world and try something new, I am rewarded.

Over the weekend I attended my first entrepreneurship conference, WEX, and fell in love. I just couldn't stop looking all around me at the beautiful mix of women in the conference rooms. It was super inspiring to connect with and learn from these women.

I know it's not easy to get outside your comfort zone. I attended the conference alone which is challenging for an introvert like me who prefers the comfort of her dining table, laptop and 12 year old rescue dog. I had a migraine the next day.

Still, it was worth it.