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Life Truths From a 10 Year Old

In honor of my daughter’s 10th birthday and to celebrate a decade of being a mom, I am proud to share the life truths I have learned from her. Enjoy and be amazed!

Carly's Life Truths

  • Be authentic. Always be yourself in every situation. Don’t hide parts of yourself just because other people may not like them.

  • Rules can be questioned. Rules are not set in stone. Just because something has always been done in a certain way doesn’t mean that it’s the right way or the only way. 

  • Ask for help. Ask for directions. Ask for guidance.

  • Let loose. Who cares what the world thinks? Have fun and do the things that bring you joy.

  • Never judge a book by it’s cover. Until you get to know someone, reserve judging them by their actions. They may be acting from a place of fear or anxiety - you just don’t know.