93 Women Joined My Self-Care Challenge


Here's what I learned:


Support is a click away and happens fast

When a woman decides to show up for herself she almost immediately wants to share that gift with other women. It's like magic. I see the women who've been with me for awhile support and encourage the newcomers to the group. When someone is brave enough to show vulnerability there is an immediate safety net set up by the other women in the challenge so that she feels safe and nurtured.

Feelings can pop up - and that's a good thing

I don't think I've ever been good at small talk and that certainly applies to my work here at Orchid Story. I want you to get to the heart of your issue quickly so we can learn about it, acknowledge it, explore it. This is what I encourage within the challenge - real talk. And the beauty is that you feel this energy from me and show up yourselves with courage and authenticity. Some of you may be in a really good place in that moment and some of you may be in a hard place. That is life. It's both - when we let that simply be, we may have big feels come to the surface. That means you're doing it right.

Big rewards from small steps

Please hear me when I say this - you can start reconnecting with yourself in less than five minutes a day. Those five minutes can change everything. A tiny perspective shift is allowed in, which may help you approach a problem in a new way, which opens new doors or helps repair relationships or allows a part of you to heal. Five minutes. Try it.

If all this sounds great, but you'd like a little help and planning to get you going, book a free 30 minute call with me. I'll help you figure out how to set the stage for reconnection in way that feels right and personalized for you. Click here to get on my calendar now.