How to Prepare for Your Muse
by Rachel Nusbaum
Think you can waltz in, sit down at your laptop with your crystal and coffee and meditation-high and inspiration will just come to you, like, “bing!”? Wrong! You must walk 14,000 steps while noticing the delicate cherry blossom branches, heavy with newly birthed delicacies blowing in the breeze. You must carve a full hour out of the daily rush for the sole purpose of reconnecting with an old friend whose wisdom holds mirrors. You must fight the magnetic pull towards your phone (for several hours!), resist the tap tap opening of an app, resist the driving urge to find a dopamine hit somewhere on the interwebs. Only then… maybe. Maybe the spark will alight upon you and you will be lucid enough to notice your muse has arrived.
This essay originally appeared in OUR VOICES, a monthly journal published by Narrative Healing, a mind-body creative community founded by Lisa Weinert.
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