Orchid Story

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What is #writersnotebook?

I’m writing a book! If you’re not new around here, you’re like, yeah yeah, is this thing ever really going to get written? Which is related to why I’m starting this new segment of my blog, #writersnotebook. Keep reading.

I’ve been writing a novel for several years. It’s fiction based on my real-life story of a devastating diagnosis in my family’s matriarch and the ensuing ripple effects on the mother-daughter-sister relationships in the family. It’s been in process for at least 3 years (probably closer to 5). I have over 60,000 words of my first draft written. Yay for sustained, long-term dedication! 💪

At this point, I need help and support. To: get this dang first draft written, to keep up the momentum during second and third drafts, and to pour all of the good book vibes into it as I try to find an agent and get it traditionally published.

I want to bring you behind the scenes as I get to this finish line of the first draft and pursue my dream of traditional publishing. You get to see behind the curtain of me trying to do this while raising two teens, being a supportive partner and co-leading a household, working my faculty genetic counseling position, and running Orchid Story. First BTS tidbit: Except for a few long term clients, I have put my coaching practice on hold to focus on writing since Fall 2022. Prioritizing is an essential skill that I have learned through this process. ✅

I’m grateful for every person who has supported my writing + business since 2016. I hope you’ll follow along and throw confetti with me. 🎉 When I post to #writersnotebook I will send out an email to my list, so go ahead and hop on it if you’re not already. Sign up here.