Orchid Story

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#writersnotebook 7 Feb - 12 Apr

💛 self-care: The break from my “official” writing practice continues. (side note: what the heck does that mean anyway? journaling is just as official as working on my book. plus, I have always coached around the idea that writing does not just happen while putting fingers to keyboard….) Checking in to share that I am still in a messy middle, but finally moving through some of the muck. I have big changes coming in my 9-5 work life this summer that I am very excited about.

It’s early spring and that means I am back in the garden. 🌱 Gardening is a wonderful healing tool and doesn’t have to be complicated. Take these amazing lettuce plants I am growing - I started them from seed just a few weeks ago. Email me if you want details on how to do this.

I don’t know what’s next for me in my creative life and business. I absolutely love coaching women through big life changes, and I miss it dearly, but I’m not sure going back to what I’ve done before will work for me now. The good news is that all of the healing practices I have learned and put into place in the past decade are deeply ingrained and help me weather these storms. ⛈️ ☀️

🎧 podcast I’m loving: Three (this is a dark and violent story - use your discretion!)

📚 books I’m reading:

YA Romance: Running Mates by my friend Emily Locker

Fiction Romance: Happy Place by Emily Henry

Memoir: Meet Me Tonight in Atlantic City by Jane Wong

🖊 writing: journaling and daily gratitudes

💻 writer admin: this blog post!

💫 writer community: slowly inching back

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