Book Club: Michelle Obama's "Becoming" VideoRachel NusbaumApril 26, 2019Michelle Obama, Becoming, Wisdom, Personal story, Storytelling, Writing, Your Story is Your Strength
Book Club: The Clinician as Neuroarchitect Part 2 VideoRachel NusbaumApril 17, 2019Mindsight, Mindset shift, Mindfulness, Self-care, Self-development, Presence, Books, Narrative medicine, Neuroplasticity
Book Club: The Clinician as Neuroarchitect VideoRachel NusbaumApril 10, 2019Books, Narrative medicine, Neuroplasticity, Storytelling, Connection, Community, Mindsight, Brain science, Feeling felt, Self-development
Book Club: Inheritance Part 2 VideoRachel NusbaumApril 5, 2019Dani Shapiro, Inheritance, Mindset shift, Storyteller, Self-care, Self-development, Storytelling, Writing, Reflection, Rewrite your story
Book Club: Inheritance VideoRachel NusbaumMarch 27, 2019Inheritance, genetic susceptibility, Genetics, At home DNA testing, Paternity, Who am I?, Reflection, Personal growth, Storyteller, Story, Your Story is Your Strength, Dani Shapiro
Book Club: The Orchid and the Dandelion Part 3 VideoRachel NusbaumMarch 20, 2019Reflection, Rewrite your story, Resilience, Dr. W. Thomas Boyce, Parenting, Books, Faith, Believe, difficult child, orchid children, dandelion children, The Orchid and the Dandelion, raising your spirited child