Find Your Helper Along the Road of Trials
As you (our heroine), find yourself along what Joseph Campbell calls, The Road of Trials, you will be encountering lots of suffering. That's one of the reasons I like the Hero's Journey - the suffering is an acknowledged part of it. The Road of Trials is represented in the image as Challenges and Temptations. You'll notice there are also Mentors and Helpers along this road. These figures vary in their description depending upon whose writing you read. But I like to think of them pure and simple as helpers or teachers.
Thanks Wikipedia!
So, as you are working on re-writing your story (you're doing that, right?) the template of the Hero's Journey can be really useful. Especially if you aren't sure where to start and how to organize. The more I dive into this, the more I like using it as a template because of these Helper figures. The thing is that when you re-visit your story, you are likely recalling a lot of pain. After all the reason you want to re-write your story is so that you can find the glimmers that existed amongst the pain.
While you are re-engaging with the suffering you experienced, recall a Helper. Who was there to hand you a flashlight in the dark? Who called you out of the blue when you were driving along the highway, tears streaming down your face? Your Helper might be a good friend or your Helper could be a complete stranger whose gesture reminded you of the goodness in the world.
I know re-writing your story isn't easy. The Road of Trials can be dark and scary. There is no way around it though. The only way to get to transformation is to keep going down your Road. In doing this work, remember a Helper who nourished you along the way, who provided you with sustenance to keep going.