No Paper.

A couple of weeks ago a new friend who runs live storytelling shows invited me to participate in an upcoming one. In the spirit of building relationships, building my business and building my skillset, I accepted the offer. Then the panic set in. I’m a writer. I write. I like a script. Standing in front of real people without a paper in my hand or a powerpoint slide? That is a whole other can of worms. Queue major feelings of doubt.

Still, I do want to fulfill my promise. So here I am, four days out from the show, the paper still in my hand as I practice. My piece is about my daughter (jumping in pic) and the challenge of allowing her to become who she is meant to be. So for her, for Carly, I'll get up in front that audience. Just me, no paper.

The show is $15 with all proceeds benefitting the Walker Nature Center in Reston, VA. You can get tickets here

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