Inspo For Your Story: Best Books of 2019

Book Recommendations to Change Your Life!

It's the 2019 Book Club Roundup! If you've been around for awhile you know I am voracious reader. Books change my life. They also help me to help you - my clients. Click on the title of each below and you'll be taken to my video teaching what I learned from the book. Enjoy!

Book Recommendation #1: The Orchid and The Dandelion

The Orchid and the Dandelion by Dr. W. Thomas Boyce / Part 2 / Part 3
My most popular Book Club videos of the year! Also this theory is the namesake of my business 😍. This book is helpful for understanding ourselves and our kids, but it can definitely get a little dense, so check out my videos because I pulled out the best stuff from the book.

Book Recommendation #2: Braving The Wilderness

Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown
I completely resonated with the concepts of Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart from this book. So much so that I am considering "wild heart" for my first tattoo (I was supposed to get it over the summer when I turned 40, but I got cold feet and can't decide what to get!)

Book Recommendation #3: The Collected Schizophrenias

The Collected Schizophrenias by Esmé Weijun Wang
How Esme navigates life and her mental health journey - so much humanity and complexity in the lines of this book. If you are dealing with a mental health diagnosis in your life in some capacity I can't recommend this one highly enough. (Go to minute ~7 in the video).

Book Recommendation #4: Inheritance

Inheritance by Dani Shapiro 
(Second video on Inheritance)
This one was special for several reasons: Dani explores genetics and family (you know those are my favorites!), I got to meet Dani in person this year, and the night I met her I reconnected with a genetic counseling colleague who I am now collaborating on a 2020 retreat with! Proof that books open doors.